The StickyISI
component sits at the bottom of the screen unless the full ISI is visible.
The StickyISI
component will receive an isiInView
prop, which tracks whether the full ISI
is currently visible. When the full ISI is visible, the StickyISI
will fade away.
The useTransition
hook allows specifying how an element will animate in and out as its state changes.
import { useTransition, animated } from 'react-spring'import { Box } from '@intouchg/components'const StickyISI = ({ isiInView }) => {const transition = useTransition(!isiInView, {initial: { opacity: 1 },from: { opacity: 0 },enter: { opacity: 1 },leave: { opacity: 0 },})return transition((styles, active) => active && (<animated.div style={styles}><Boxposition="fixed"width="100%"bottom="0">Hello world!</Box></animated.div>))}
Use the StickyISI
component in your layout. We can determine whether the full ISI is currently in view
with the useInView
import { StickyISI } from './StickyISI'import { useInView } from '@intouchg/hooks'const MyPage = () => {const [ ref, isiInView ] = useInView()return (<><Box ref={ref}>This is the full ISI.</Box><StickyISI isiInView={isiInView} /></>)}